“Primal Story” at Glencliff UMC in Nashville, TN, on 8/18/2019 Thesis : Faith as Remembering Reading for the day from the Revised Common Lectionary : Hebrews 11:29-12:2 A Repeated Recognition of Perspective from Last Week's Sermon: I’m speaking from the space of a person with limitations…in case you were doubting that... One limitation I have: I manage anxiety and have to know when I’m getting too excited (I can get too happy) or anxious (I sometimes have spinning thoughts and dizziness due to certain triggers or fears)… Another limitation: I haven’t experienced everything…so there are certain things I do not know On the contrary, I’m also speaking from the space of a person with experiences some have not had…this gives me the ability to handle certain situations from a space of familiarity… A Story about Rock Climbing: One of those familiar settings is rock climbing. Now, I’m not the most experienced in the world when it comes to rock climbing, nor the most skill...